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Instruction cards

Single slot phones, either WE or COCOT (except GTE 120B) share the same size instruction windows: top at 6.125“ x 1.925”, bottom 6.125“ x 2.65”. Actual instruction cards are typically slightly taller, i.e. 6⅛“ x 2⅛” and 2¾“ respectively, so they can be locked in place.

The best way to reproduce them is to laser-print it in color on a plastic paper. Regular paper is not recommended as it yellows in the sun. Next you can either get it laminated or add a PETG 0.02” sheet (available online).

You can find some scanned cards on the internet (below some links), over here I'm just posting what I've encountered and scanned, or prepared myself.

Let's start with the ugliest I've ever seen - created by Pacific Communications, the local independent operator in Phoenix AZ and the suburbs. Looks like created in MS Word from the 90s. Company changed its address at least once, from 7170 West Oakland Street, Chandler, AZ to 6115 S. Kyrene Rd #103 Tempe, but doesn't exist anymore. They used Elcotel 5000 sets.

Next is the Qwest - iconic top card and 50ct bottom, Qwest San Antonio (but FSH rebranding started):

In 2004, FSH acquired Qwest and soon they started replacing their instruction cards in Phoenix:

Still FSH in 2011 but in a weird cooperation with Talk Too Me LLC.

Wimactel - must be 2013 or later, after they acquired payphone business from FSH (top card only):

Seven Eleven, Colorado. Most likely provided by Wimactel:

Same one, but re-created by us (minor variation in fonts used, 600dpi):

This is all I had so far.

Below is my own design, anonymized info (let me know if you need one):

Millennium cards

Starting with the speed dial cards reproduction (very close to real), two versions I found (FSH/Wimactel), bottom 5 buttons (let me know if you need the powerpoint template):

Instruction cards scanned in 600 DPI (my ultimate goal is to prepare some templates in powerpoint to make custom designs or reproduce in better quality):
FSH Phoenix - 1-way & 2-way:

Qwest / FSH Portland OR:


(to be continued soon - Embarq to be added)

Medium format ads

This is what I found on the indoor shelves - US West ads from (probably) early 2000s / late '90s:

cards.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/06 05:44 by admin

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